Victoria Gerson is a designer, researcher, and educator from Miami, FL. She has Brasilian heritage and comes from a line of teachers who inspired her to become an educator.
She is currently based in Gainesville, FL and teaches undergraduate and graduate graphic design courses at the University of Florida. Previously, she was a Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Houston. Victoria has developed classes on design activism and seminars on topics relating to design ethics, social responsibility, and identity + positionality.
She is currently based in Gainesville, FL and teaches undergraduate and graduate graphic design courses at the University of Florida. Previously, she was a Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Houston. Victoria has developed classes on design activism and seminars on topics relating to design ethics, social responsibility, and identity + positionality.
Victoria received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from the University of Florida, and a Master in Graphic Design from North Carolina State University. In her graduate work, she explored emerging technologies as a tool for educational purposes such as climate change communication and science education. She uses collage as a medium for responding to socio-political issues within the classroom and as a personal practice. Her work and research explores localized techniques, traditions, and cultural heritage.